Anchorage Turns League Logo into Public Art

We were certainly excited to roll out our new logo at the 2013 National Bike Summit earlier this year. Honoring our past and looking to the future, we love the iconic energy of the modern winged wheel. But we didn’t imagine that our new logo would so quickly...

King James Leads the Way: Bikes in the NBA

If you’re not already glued to the NBA Finals, here’s one potential reason to tune in: Bicycling among NBA athletes — like almost everywhere else — is become an active trend. Last year, the cycling Twitterati went nuts over rumored pictures of Lebron James...

New: Interactive Tool to Help You Navigate MAP-21

Cross-posted from the Advocacy Advance blog.  MAP-21. CMAQ. HSIP. STP. 402. TAP. In federal transportation policy, acronyms are everywhere. Add to that all the different rules and eligibility for the programs, and navigating the new bill can get very confusing very...

Advocates and Equity: 3 Success Stories

Last week, in partnership with the Sierra Club, the League released “The New Majority: Pedaling Toward Equity.” A conversation-starter, rather than a comprehensive analysis, the mini-report highlighted the tremendous growth in bicycling among youth, women...