The Iowa Bicycle Coalition’s legislative district leader program connects bicyclists with legislators who represent them. District leaders actively seek meetings or attend forums with elected officials in their areas to talk about bicycling issues. We can count on district leaders to share important information, action alerts, and petitions with their bike club, team, or friends they ride with.
Much of the work takes place in the fall following the November election. Local legislative forums occur during the legislative session from January to May. One-on-one meetings with legislators can take place anytime.
Download our Advocacy Toolkit for helpful resources.
Download our 2023 Legislative Priorities to view our campaigns.
District Leader Job Description
There will be 100 new faces in the legislature this year and we have the potential to enact some long-overdue bike policies. I REALLY need your help. In fact, the only way we will be successful is through our district leaders.
Here is what I need you to do:
1. Email Luke and confirm you will be a district leader.
2. Download our District Leader Talking Points campaign worksheet.
3. Check in with other district leaders in your area. There is a district leader in every house district and that means there are two district leaders in every senate district. Some house districts have multiple district leaders that can act as a district leader committee. View the District Leader Directory. The user name is your email. Click the “Have Trouble Logging On” link if you cannot remember your password.
4. [MOST IMPORTANT] Schedule a meeting with your senate and house candidates. (Our goal is to get the meetings scheduled before October 20 – because the election is on November 8.) There is an information sheet that you can leave with the legislator. (District Leader 2023 Leave Behind Sheet)
How to contact your Senate Candidates: Senate Directory
How to contact your House Candidates: House Directory
5. Leave us a Meeting Report using the online form.
Dear [Represenative/Senator NAME],
I am a voter in your district from [CITY] and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss issues important to bicyclists. I hope your busy schedule will allow you to meet with me/us [add any other names]. I am available at [telephone number] or [email address] to address any questions you may have.
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from your office.
Which District Do I Vote In?
The districts have been redrawn. You may no longer be in the same district as you were last year. You can check here.
What is the strategy for the meetings?
We need to know who is going to vote for bike policy issues and who isn’t. The only way we can get this information is if you as a district leader (or committee) ask as a voter from the district. If our lobbyists can walk into this session knowing that we have the votes already lined up, we can move our proposals forward.
I would like you to meet with your house and senate candidates and give them your perspective on our main policy issues (Change Lanes to Pass; Standard Penalties; Hands-Free Required while texting). IMPORTANT NOTE: We want you to have meetings and prefer an in-person meeting, but a virtual or phone meeting would work if necessary.
What else can district leaders do to participate?
1. District Leader Friday Meetings We hold meetings on Fridays starting on December 2. These aren’t mandatory to attend, but it gives us an opportunity to share information about our progress. Don’t worry if you aren’t available. We send out notes.
2. Attend the Bicyclist Day at the Capitol or Virtual Day of Action on January 30, 2024.
3. Respond to action alerts and share them with your friends to take action.
For More Information:
If you are interested in becoming a district leader for the Iowa Bicycle Coalition, please email Luke Hoffman.
Legislative Session Calendar
Session Begins: January 8, 2024
Iowa Bike Expo District Leader Meeting: January 26, 2024
Bike Day at the Capitol: January 30, 2024, at 11 AM
First Funnel: February 16, 2024
Second Funnel: March 15, 2024
Per Diem Ends: April 16, 2024
Friday District Leader Update Meetings
On Fridays, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and Action Fund hosts a district leader meeting online to review the session. District Leaders can join the call to learn about the priorities and share input on strategies to pass the legislation.
These meetings are optional but often helpful. We distribute notes from the lobbyists weekly during the session and we hold additional meetings during off-hours as needed.
If you can’t make it on Friday, no worries. We distribute notes and sometimes videos from the meeting.
Advocacy Strategies Updates
Legislative Forums
Support Iowa Bicycle Advocacy:
When you bicycle on Iowa’s trails or roadways, you want an enjoyable ride taking you safely to your destination. We work to make Iowa bicycling safe, accessible, and enjoyable for all. Please consider giving today with credit cards, gifts of stock, or donor-advised funds here.