Iowa Bicycling News

Winter SUX in Sioux City on Saturday
Winter SUX is part bike ride/pub crawl, with plenty of stops at various watering holes. The round-trip, 5-mile ride through Morningside will begin at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the Miles Inn, 2622 Leech Ave. WHEN: 8:30 a.m. Saturday, WHERE: Starts at Mile Inn, 2622 Leech Ave., Sioux City

Cedar Valley Bike Swap Meet on March 8
Join the Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective at 9 AM on March 8 for the 2nd Annual Bike Swap Meet at 223 W. 4th Street in Waterloo. More information on the event and tables at

Help Wanted: IBC Membership Coordinator
We are saddened that Tony Burnett will be leaving the Iowa Bicycle Coalition, but happy that his business, Bike Rags is taking off and getting busy. We are currently seeking applicants for his position. For more information visit

Bacoon Ride Grows past 850 participants
There is plenty of time to register for the June 28 Bacoon Ride starting in Waukee. We have 850 participants and there is still a couple of MONTHS left to register. No doubt, people are hungry for this ride. (ha!)

Eastern Iowa Counties ask legislature to complete trail from Cedar Falls to Iowa City
Three Eastern Iowa counties are asking the state for $8.2 million to help complete a network of trails local officials called critical to recreation, tourism, economic development and workforce development.
Representatives of Black Hawk, Linn and Johnson counties made their pitch to the House-Senate Transportation, Infrastructure and Capitals Appropriations Subcommittee Tuesday. They told lawmakers their counties have or are investing $5.3 million in the trails.
The plan is to connect the Cedar Valley Nature Trail from Cedar Falls to Cedar Rapids to the Hoover Nature Trail south to Solon and West Branch on to Muscatine and Burlington. The includes connections to trails in Bremer and Buchanan counties to the north as well as to Iowa City, Coralville and North Liberty, Johnson County Supervisor Terrence Neuzil told lawmakers.

Iowa DOT Commission Approves Recreational Trail Funding
Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved $1,643,139 in total funding for seven federal Recreational Trails Program projects. The program projects must be for the purpose of developing and maintaining recreation trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and non-motorized trail users. The projects and approved funding amounts are listed below.

Clear Creek Trail – Phase 7 (Coralville): $493,305
Flint River Trail – Phase 1A: Flint Bottom Road to Irish Ridge Road (Des Moines County): $423,000
Gypsum City Off-Highway Vehicle Park (Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Webster County Improvement Corporation): $300,000
Old Creamery Nature Trail (Benton County Conservation Board): $143,434
Sibley Recreational Trail (Osceola Recreational Trails Association and Sibley): $25,000
Snowmobile Grooming Equipment Purchase (Iowa DNR and Iowa State Snowmobile Association): $240,000
Support for Program and Bicycle/Trails Summits (Iowa Department of Transportation): $18,400

The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is a statewide bicycle advocacy organization. We are member supported. Join online at