Let’s Connect
Support the 9-mile “connector” between Perry and Woodward that links two outstanding trails:
Raccoon River Valley Trail
High Trestle Trail
You can connect two of Iowa’s biggest and best trails!
People keep asking: “When will we be able to ride between Perry and Woodward? We want to connect the Raccoon River Valley Trail with the High Trestle Trail”. This all-important 9 miles will make Central Iowa an even bigger destination! The “connector” opens so many more trail routes and adventures!
The corridor is shaping up. Now it’s time for trail lovers to help.
Your gift today will provide matching funds needed to secure public grants and other major support for this project! Please donate or pledge today. With your commitment of $1,000 or more, you may choose to receive recognition at each trailhead. This project is estimated to cost approximately $5 million. To date, we have a Federal Recreational Trail Grant and a State Recreational Trail grant that have allowed us to hire Snyder and Associates to help select a route and design the “connector” trail. Phase I consists of acquiring right of way and constructing the trail from Perry to Bouton. Funds are currently needed for this phase and are needed for future phases of this important trail network connection.
Questions? Contact the Dallas County Conservation Board at 515-465-3577.
On-line giving & project information can be found at:
The project partners thank you!
Dallas County Conservation Board (DCCB)
Dallas County Conservation Foundation (DCCF)
Raccoon River Valley Trail Association (RRVTA)
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF)
Cities of Perry, Bouton, & Woodward