As I write this, I have arrived in Washington, DC for the National Bike Summit. This is annual conference and lobby day to work on the bicycling agenda. I think I have only missed one National Bike Summit since 2004. It is always a pleasure to share ideas and meet new friends.
As some might know, I am also on the Alliance for Bicycling and Walking Board of Directors. We will convene our annual board meeting tomorrow. There are two big items on the agenda – 1. Discussion of strategic planning, 2. Discussion of National Campaigns with large group leaders. Both of these issues are integral to the movement of bicycling.
Anne Duggan will be attending the Women and Bicycling forum at the same time. She is already networking and meeting new folks. Anne is a first-timer to the NBS, but I think will be an able advocate for bicycling issues.
Monday night convenes the office opening session of the National Bike Summit. Following the opening is the Alliance Advocacy Reception and Awards.
Tuesday, we have a day of training that will touch on the best topics for bicycle advocacy. In addition, I will be hosting a session about setting the agenda for transportation reauthorization.
Wednesday is our day on Capitol Hill. We have meetings scheduled with Sen. Grassley and Harkin, and Rep. King and Loebsack. This should be a great day to learn about how our elected officials can help advance bicycling in Iowa.