It’s that time of year in the Safe Routes to School programming where we spend a lot of time planning for the next year. It’s also that time of year when you look back on your past work and reflect on improving.
A couple of things really stand out for me during 2021. The first is that seeing kids riding bikes, learning, smiling, and having fun is what makes this work amazing. The second is that hosting a bike rodeo can have a lifelong impact on a child’s love of bikes. I hear it often from adults who attended bikes rodeos when they were kids, how was awesome of an experience the bike rodeo was.
So with that in mind, my question is why wouldn’t you host a bike rodeo? It’s fun and can lead to a lifelong interest in biking and active transportation.
A Bike Rodeo takes about 6 hours total: three hours are planning, and the other three are set up event time and tear down. Maybe you’re not the person to host the event. That’s ok. Tell someone else about Iowa Safe Routes and encourage them to host a bike rodeo for your school or community.
If you have any questions about hosting a bike rodeo please contact