OSKALOOSA — The rain has stopped but skies are overcast as cyclists make their way toward Fairfield this morning.
Thousands of RAGBRAI campers and late-night partiers dealt with rain on and off throughout Thursday night.

Many riders this morning are decked out in rain jackets and long-sleeved shirts. Some have water-proof covers for helmets and bike seats.

Wayne Stoffer, of Michigan, said last night’s camping weather was still better than Monday’s, when cyclists faced rain, hail and lightening in Perry.

“We were under trees so it just pitter-pattered through the night,” Stoffer said. “Obviously there were a few leakages in the tent.”

Riders got an early start this morning, hoping to get ahead of the bad weather.

“I hate riding in the rain,” said Cathy Jordan of Des Moines as she made her way out of town in a reflective green jacket.

Jordan was camping in Perry Monday. Last night she stayed in a house.

“I think it gets cold’” Jordan said of riding in the rain. “But, you know what? You just have to keep going and pay attention and you’ll get there.”

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