Step right up! The 26th annual National Walk & Roll to School Day is Oct. 12, and registration is now open!

Whether addressing the need to make walking and biking safer for children and youth or encouraging them to be more active, events can be a powerful tool to start, grow and sustain change. Events can celebrate good things, put light on neglected issues, galvanize community support, or even begin advocacy. They can be particularly good at helping all stakeholders to come together and experience what is working, and what isn’t, and how to collaborate to fix what is broken.

As Yom Kippur is on October 5 this year, the official Walk & Roll to School Day date will be a week later than usual on October 12. As always, communities are welcome to celebrate any day in October that best fits their schedules.

Sign up today to join the fun and spread the impact of this year’s event! For more information, how to plan an event, and register your event, please visit the Walk & Roll website.

To connect with him regarding the SRTS program, Dylan can be reached at Find more information about Iowa Safe Routes to School visit our website.