Sunday, July 24, 2016 in Mills County, Iowa
A “Mile of Silence” will be dedicated to the memory of those who sadly have been injured or killed while enjoying a bicycle ride. The “Mile of Silence” will take place between the towns of Malvern and Tabor along Noyes Avenue (County Road H40) between 300th Street and 290th Street.
RAGBRAI thanks the Ride of Silence Organization, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and the Glenwood RIDE RIGHT Committee for the efforts to bring awareness to bicycle fatalities.
We are all saddened by the losses of cyclists throughout the country that have been injured or killed while riding. RAGBRAIers have lost family members, friends and teammates who were training for or have enjoyed RAGBRAI in past years. On the opening Sunday ride, one silent mile will be dedicated to the memory of those who are no longer with us to bring awareness to bicycle fatalities.
T.J. Juskiewicz
Director, RAGBRAI
On behalf of the worldwide Ride of Silence [RofS] Organization, we are honored to partner with RAGBRAI in the “Mile of Silence” , remembering all who’ve attended RAGBRAI over the years, who sadly have been injured or killed, in this short RofS “Tribute Ride”. With the rash of recent fatalities, both nationally and local to Iowa in Nashua and West Liberty, we strive to make the road safer for all of Iowa’s cyclists.
In regards to the “6-7 Tragedy” in Kalamazoo MI, I wish to recognize members of the Chain Gang Bicycle Club of Kalamazoo who had ridden RAGBRAI, two no longer with us; Deb Bradley & Suzanne Sippel, and surviving members; Jennifer Johnson & Sheila Jeske. Deb, Sheila and Suzanne were all friends of the “Whiners” and could be found in Whiner Camp but always traveled self-supported and were known to all as the Cosmo Girls. Jennifer had ridden RAGBRAI many times. (please honor all 9 members of the CGBC who were sadly struck on 6-7; Deb B., Tony N., Larry P., Suzanne S., Melissa F-H. no longer with us, and survivors Jennifer J., Paul G., Paul R. & Sheila J.)
Mark Hagar
Ride of Silence; Senior Outreach Director, Tribute Ride and MI Coordinator
The Ride of Silence has been a powerful movement across the United States to bring awareness to bicycle traffic fatalities. Ultimately, the goal is to bring enough awareness to end fatal bicycle crashes. This effort with RAGBRAI and the Mile of Silence speaks loudly – just like the Ride of Silence — for those who can no longer speak.
Mark Wyatt
Executive Director, Iowa Bicycle Coalition
I am pleased to know that RAGBRAI is planning a Mile of Silence on the first day of the ride. We have so much work to do to make cycling safer in Iowa. This mile will bring more awareness of the efforts of Iowa Bicycle Coalition and Ride of Silence toward this goal. RAGBRAI has partnered with the national Ride of Silence organization to promote this tribute ride. This is especially important in light of the fatalities this month in West Liberty and Nashua and the multiple fatalities recently in Kalamazoo, MI, as well as too many other fatalities and injuries in Iowa and elsewhere.
Steve Schurtz
Iowa Bicycle Coalition; Board Member
Ride of Silence; Board Member at Large, IA Coordinator, Mason City Organizer