Cycling is a fun and healthy way to explore the great outdoors, but it can be dangerous when cyclists have to share the road with distracted drivers. In Iowa, there are currently bills that aim to protect cyclists on the road, and you can make a difference by contacting your legislators through the Iowa Bicycling Action Center.

The Handsfree/Distracted Driving bill, which is currently being considered by the Iowa legislature, aims to make it illegal for drivers to use their cell phones while driving. This bill would help reduce distracted driving, which is one of the leading causes of accidents involving cyclists. By contacting your legislators through the Iowa Bicycling Action Center, you can let them know that you support this bill and urge them to vote in favor of it.

Another important issue for cyclists in Iowa is the need for standard penalties for fatal bicycle crashes. Currently, there is no consistent punishment for drivers who are involved in fatal crashes with cyclists, and this can lead to unequal justice. By contacting your legislators and advocating for standard penalties, you can help ensure that justice is served and that drivers are held accountable for their actions.

Finally, it’s important to protect cyclists at crosswalks, where they are often vulnerable to accidents. The Iowa Bicycling Action Center is also advocating for crosswalk protections for cyclists, which would help keep them safe while they’re crossing the street. By contacting your legislators and asking them to support these protections, you can help make Iowa a safer place for cyclists.

To get involved and contact your legislators, visit the Iowa Bicycling Action Center at Your voice can make a difference, so take action today and help make Iowa a safer place for cyclists.