The Iowa Bicycle Coalition, an organization dedicated to promoting safe bicycling in Iowa, recently celebrated a significant victory with the passage of two priority bills in subcommittee. The first bill requires motorists to yield to bicyclists in crosswalks, while the second sets standard penalties for fatal traffic crashes involving bicycles. The bills, which have now advanced to committee, received unanimous support in the subcommittee.
The passage of these bills is a crucial step towards improving road safety for Iowa’s cyclists. The first bill provides important protections for cyclists by requiring motorists to yield to bicyclists in crosswalks. This helps to prevent accidents and makes it safer for cyclists to cross busy intersections. The second bill sets standard penalties for fatal traffic crashes involving bicycles, which is an important step toward holding those who cause these tragedies accountable.
“We are thrilled to see these bills advance,” said Mark Wyatt, executive director of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. “These bills are critical to improving road safety for all and holding those who cause accidents accountable. We have been working hard to advocate for the safety of Iowa cyclists, and this is a major victory for us.”
The Iowa Bicycle Coalition has been actively involved in advocating for the passage of these bills, working with legislators and community members to promote legislation that supports the safety of cyclists.
The Iowa Bicycle Coalition has been a leading voice in promoting safe bicycling in Iowa. The organization provides education and resources to help cyclists stay safe on the road and advocates for policies and infrastructure that support the safety and accessibility of cycling. With the passage of these bills, the organization has taken a major step toward achieving its mission of making Iowa a safer place for cyclists.
The bills will now move to committee, where they will be further reviewed and discussed. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is optimistic that the bills will continue to receive support, and is committed to advocating for their passage.
Advocates are urged to take action and contact their legislators in support of House File 214. A pre-written email can be sent to the legislator through the link provided at By taking a few minutes to send a message to their legislator, advocates can make a real difference in the safety of Iowa’s roads for cyclists and pedestrians. Advocates are encouraged to take action today and help make Iowa a safer place for all.
Don’t miss the chance to make your opinion heard and to support HF63 and SF16, which aim to create standard penalties in fatal crashes that involve bicyclists. The proposed legislation is crucial in ensuring that everyone on the road has equal rights and protections, and you can help make it happen. Contact your representative on HF63 and senators on SF16 and let them know that you support these bills. Don’t hesitate, take action today at!