HELP WANTED: Iowa Bicyclists Set Sights On The National Bike Challenge
This summer, the National Bike Challenge is uniting 50,000 riders from across the country to ride 30 million miles. The National Bike Challenge is a fun, free, game-changing challenge where bicyclists log their miles they ride online.
The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is calling upon people who ride bikes in Iowa to participate. “We know we are a top state for bicycling. This contest gives Iowa a chance to prove it.” says Mark Wyatt, executive director of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition.
In previous challenges, Iowa has placed within the top 10 of US states. Wyatt adds, “we are so close to the other states. We just need more participants logging their miles.”
Logging miles has never been easier. All you need to do is ride your bike. When you are done, visit, log into your account, and log the miles you have ridden. If you have a smartphone, you can use Endomondo, Map My Ride, or Moves to synchronize your rides on the challenge.
In just three years, the Challenge has helped support thousands of bicyclists — new and old — to make every mile count! We invite you to join us by creating a team, earning badges winning prizes and sharing your accomplishments. It’s never too soon or too late to join.
Ride your bike for fun, to work, on the trail—anytime you can. Keep track of your days and miles on our new and improved website platform, or choose from a number of mobile apps to do it for you. Join us at!