As the weather gets cold and we start to get more miles on our spinners, tune up our winter fat bikes, or restart our virtual bike training subscriptions we are reminded that this upcoming legislative session is one of the best possible opportunities to advance bicycle advocacy that Iowa cyclists have ever had.

We’re carrying on the momentum of the past several years victories at the capitol, combined with new strategies and a new field of lawmakers to get some more highly sought after wins. Early conversations with lawmakers and new candidates has shown never before support on both sides of the aisle, and some of our expert friends in the know are saying this could be the perfect time in Iowa for safety legislation to move forward.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a huge and meaningful impact on bicycle advocacy this year. Your window to make a tax deductible donation for 2022 is closing, but the time has never been better to move bicycle advocacy forward. However you prefer to make a contribution, we have options set up for you. Just use the links below for your preferred giving method.