This is week 4 of the legislative session and there are a lot of things that happened this week. This is an exciting time because several of our bills advanced this week. Here is what passed, what is pending, what we are watching, and how you can help.
What has passed the committee or subcommittee?
Distracted Driving in Drive Education
SF98 and HSB82 are companion bills with identical language in each chamber. The bills add distracted driving to the driver education curriculum. HSB82 passed the Iowa Transportation Committee 20-0 and SF98 passed a senate subcommittee.
Hands-Free Required
HF75 and SF46 are companion bills with identical language. The bills require drivers to only use cell phones in hands-free mode while driving. SF46 passed subcommittee and HF75 passed committee 18-2.
SF97 and HSB80 are companion bills with identical language. The bills allow for three-tiered regulation of low-speed electric assist bicycles or e-bikes. SF97 passed subcommittee and HSB80 is on the agenda for the House Transportation Committee on 2/4/2021.
What is still pending?
Change Lanes
SF68 is the change lanes to pass bicycles bill. There is a subcommittee, but no hearing has been scheduled.
Enhanced Penalties
SF70 creates adds steering unreasonably close to a bicyclist to the enhanced penalties list. It does not raise fines but adds the violation to the list of infractions that can result in an enhanced penalty if the bicyclist is killed or seriously injured.
What we are watching?
Lights at Night
SF47 strikes the reflector option and requires a rear light for the night operation of bicycles.
HSB5 creates a felony for causing death if speeding 25 mph over the posted speed limit. This has passed the subcommittee.
Personal Delivery Devices
HSB 25 and SSB1058 creates regulations for personal delivery devices and allows them to operate on sidewalks and streets. It does allow for local control and requires the devices to yield to pedestrians and other traffic.
How can you help?
Speak up.
Visit our legislation and policy page and learn how you can advocate for traffic safety topics.
Lobbyists, advocacy email platforms, and trips to the Capitol cost money. You can help get these bills to the governor’s desk by donating at