The Iowa Bicycle Coalition will be holding a virtual and in-person Lobby Day on February 9.  What is important on Lobby Day is Iowa bicyclists make a big impact with legislators on February 9.  This is the day we should generate the most e-mails to legislators on IWILL, Standard Crash Penalties, and Hands-Free.  If you can’t attend the Day at the Capitol, then be sure to visit our Virtual Lobby Day Action Center.  

Join the Iowa Bicycling Day at the Capitol on February 9

If you want to attend in person, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition is hosting a day at the Iowa State Capitol on February 9 starting at 8 AM.  The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is inviting bicyclists from all over Iowa to meet with their legislators to talk about bicycle issues. RSVP and learn more at

Want to participate virtually?

You can RSVP as a virtual attendee. You won’t be in the photo at the Capitol, but you can contact your legislators. Just visit and sign up, then be sure to visit our Virtual Lobby Day Action Center.  

What are we lobbying for this year?

Standard Penalties in Fatal Traffic Crashes
(House File 2015 & Senate File 2155)

Under the current Iowa Code, fatal or serious bike crashes are not subject to the same enhanced penalties that fatal or serious injury crashes involving motorists, motorcyclists, or pedestrians. This proposal does not raise fines but does add the infraction to the existing list of enhanced penalties.

Hands-Free or Voice Activated Cell Phone Required While Driving
(House File 2129 (formerly HF392) & Senate File 2141 (formerly SF330))

The drivers who spent the greatest amount of their driving time interacting with a cellphone also had the highest rates of near-crashes and crashes. This bill would require any cell phone use while driving to be done in hands-free or voice-activated mode.

Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund (IWILL)
(Senate Study Bill 3074 (Renumbered to ?) & House Study Bill 626 (does not contain provisions to enact IWILL))

The Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund will be funded with a sales tax increase under the Senate proposal.  This will provide more money for trails.  

You can learn more about our policy efforts at

Could you be a sponsor?

Consider being a sponsor of Iowa Bicycling Lobby Day. 
You can help us make this day more effective.  Your donation supports staff time, materials, refreshments for advocates, and more.  Donate at