Most RAGBRAI cyclists have opted for a two-wheeled instead of four-wheeled trek across Iowa.
A few take it a step farther and go down to one wheel.
Tim Roberts, 30, and Jason Pardie, 25, are riding unicycles across Iowa. The goal is to ride every mile of RAGBRAI.
“This is hopefully the second year I do the whole route,” Pardie said. “I do it for the challenge.”
Pardie’s unicycle fell off a roof and was hit by a truck on the way to the ride. But he managed to borrow one and ride.
“I was pretty pumped,” he said. “I thought I was going to have to ride a bicycle.”
Roberts said he was also intrigued by the idea.
“I used to be a two-wheeler and I’ll eventually go back to being a two-wheeler,” he said. “But I thought ‘this sounds like a really interesting challenge, let’s see if we can make it happen.”
The unicycles get a little less comfortable as the week progresses. And hills can be a challenge. The trick, they said, was to keep momentum on the way up and be careful but relaxed on the pedals on the way down. A couple hills needed to be walked.
But both said they were enjoying in.
“This is probably the most fun place you can bring a unicycle,” Roberts said.