The legislative session is underway and we have just reached the first funnel deadline. Bills that didn’t pass at least one committee by this point are no longer eligible for debate beyond the funnel deadline. There is still a lot of work remaining before these bills become laws. Your donations could help to fund our work at the Capitol.
We’ve tracked 12 bills this session that include requiring hands-free mode with mobile phone use will driving, enhanced penalties for fatal bicycle crashes, e-bikes, and trail funding. 10 of 12 bills remain viable beyond the first funnel deadline. While Mark Wyatt, Michelle Barker, and our team of lobbyists at the Iowa Capitol tell me this is our most successful first part of the session, they also tell me they are taking nothing for granted.
One of the bills we are working on, House File 2189, is an important bill will make consistent penalties between fatal motor vehicle and bicycle crashes. There is a tragic story behind the bill and why this work is so important.…/legislative-funnel-fundraiser