Sen. Dan Dawson (R-Pottawattamie) spoke last week at the opening meeting of the Senate Ways and Means committee.  He outlined his priorities for the upcoming Senate tax bill that has yet to be written.  

Sen. Dawson outlined 3 priorities: 1.  Develop a 21st century tax system for a 21st century economy; 2. No interest to cut corporate rates without modifications to exemptions as well as credits; 3.  Will constitutionally enact IWILL.  

In 2010, 63% of Iowans voted to the Iowa Water and Land Legacy (IWILL)  and create the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. Twelve years later, it sits empty, and Iowa is missing out on opportunities to improve water quality, protect our natural resources and help local communities. Recent polling shows that 69% of Iowa voters support raising the sales tax 3/8 of a cent to fund the Trust.

Advocates are encouraged to contact their legislators and express support for IWILL and the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund.  See more at the IWILL/Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund issue page.  


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