Williams will be a fun stop just a few miles after crossing Interstate 35 on Tuesday’s ride from Fort Dodge to Eldora. A first-time town for RAGBRAI, the theme for Williams will be “Steer Into Williams for the Dashboard Lights”. T-shirts will be for sale for those who are interested.
Here are some of the highlights you can look forward to in Williams:
- Stop at Hemken Collection with over 60 marque cars and many other intriguing treasures! Watch your route from Webster City to Williams for some of the collection’s cars on the roadside. Photo opps by the Williams park with more!
- The Catholic church will have those homemade pies and other mouthwatering goodies – a combined offering from all 3 churches in Williams!
- Williams’ Veteran’s Museum has over 1,000 items on display, the Legionaires can’t wait to greet the bikers and they will have a free gift to all veterans!
- Our City Park will be rockin’ with music, games, food vendors, photo area with cars and props – be sure and check out the Veteran’s Memorial and rest awhile in our shade!
- The Old Drug Store will be servin’ up ice cream at the marble soda fountain to cool you off!
Can’t decide what to do? Looking for something in particular? An information station can be found in the Library located on Main Street. There you will find A/C, restrooms, Wi-Fi, computers for your internet needs, and postcards for sale.
The North Central Iowa Car Club will be present on all 4 levels of the Hemken Car Museum located on Main Street. A U.S. flag will be available on Main Street next to the City Hall building for riders to sign and let the locals know where you are from.
Note: the Veteran’s Museum, also on Main Street, will present a small gift to any Veteran that stops by.
Be sure to take a ‘selfie’ with the “Welcome to Williams: Crossroads of Iowa” sign located on the West side of town.
A beverage garden will be located on Main Street at Belle’s Wayside. After having a drink, take some time for some rest and relaxation at the local park in the center of town.
Enjoy your stay in Williams, Iowa on RAGBRAI!
via RAGBRAI http://ift.tt/1K1NVAJ