It is with sadness that the Iowa Bicycle Coalition reports the first bicyclist killed by a motorist in 2018. 28-year-old Christopher Scott Lewis was killed while riding his bicycle crossing Collins Road in Cedar Rapids.
While the initial media release stated the driver had a green light, we patiently await a full traffic investigation report that could address other factors in the crash. The intersection has seven turning or through traffic lanes and higher speed limits than most city streets.
The area where the crash occurred is a large commercial district with a large amount of retail stores and a lot of vehicle traffic. The intersection is scheduled for improvements that include bicycles. The fatal crash should serve as a call for help to the city to continue to build roads that include accommodation for bicyclists and pedestrians.
The crash should also serve as a caution to motorists to keep an eye out for bicyclists during all times. Bicyclists should approach wide intersections with stale green lights with caution. It isn’t unusual for a light to change as a bicyclist is attempting to cross.
It continues to be our desire to make this fatal crash the only fatal crash of 2018. We continue to advocate for better policy and infrastructure to make bicycling safe.
Image of Collins Road courtesy of Google Maps