Mark you calendar for May 24th, 2022. The first ever Big Bike Give day of giving will be bringing together over 34 bicycling organizations for a fundraiser that aims to join bicycle advocates to bicycle missions in a way never-before-seen. For 24-hours, all bicycle and bike-accessible trail organizations will be sharing a platform on bigbikegive.org to expand their collective audiences in a new way that promises to help the participating organizations connect with new supporters, tell their stories, and secure funding for their missions.
The Iowa Bicycle Coalition and Safe Routes to School will both be participating as potential organizations alongside other groups such as the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Dream Team Des Moines, Wabash Trace Nature Trail, Old Creamery Nature Trail, the PlyWood Trail Foundation, Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, Black Girls Do Bike Des Moines, Pattawattamie County Trails Association, RocknRail1850, and many more.
Advocates will be able to set up their own fundraising pages to support any organization with their own page to tell their story, share photos or videos, and help boost the message of their favorite organization’s mission.
Visit the main page for the Big Bike Give at https://www.bigbikegive.org/