Kylah Smith, 8, and Connor Bengston, 4, give lemonade to riders in Buckeye. (Michael Morain/The Register)
BUCKEYE — So here’s a question: Is this A) a cute lemonade stand, or B) the cutest lemonade stand ever?
Either way, beverage moguls Kylah Smith, 8, and Konnor Bengston, 4, were doing a brisk business in Buckeye.
They offered lemonade in exchange for freewill donations to, among many others, Shawn McDonell of Iowa City, who asked how they would spend their profits.
“College,” Kylah said. “Probably Iowa State College.”
“Don’t you mean the University of Iowa,” McDonell replied. “You’ll probably get more money if you say the U of I.”
But Kylah held her ground: “Nuh-unh.”