Dear fellow cyclists,

We all know the importance of sharing the road with drivers, but sometimes it can be a dangerous place for us. Too often, we hear about incidents of cyclists being injured or even killed by careless or reckless drivers. That’s why I’m writing to urge you to join me in supporting House File 63, which would add steering unreasonably close to a bicyclist to the list of actions with enhanced penalties.

The proposed legislation would increase penalties for drivers who engage in unsafe passing of a cyclist by less than three feet, or who cross a solid line to pass a cyclist. By adding these actions to the enhanced penalty list, it would send a clear message that endangering cyclists on the road is unacceptable and that there are consequences for doing so.

As someone who enjoys cycling, I know how vulnerable we can feel on the road, and how much we rely on drivers to act responsibly. House File 63 is an important step in the right direction to protect the safety of Iowa’s cyclists and promote responsible driving. It’s time to hold dangerous drivers accountable for their actions.

If you’re passionate about cycling, I urge you to contact your legislator and express your support for House File 63. Let them know that protecting the safety of cyclists is important to you, and that you believe enhanced penalties are necessary to deter dangerous driving behavior.

You can take action now by visiting this link: It only takes a few minutes to send a message to your legislator and make your voice heard.

Let’s work together to create safer roads for all users, and to promote a culture of respect and responsibility on the road.

Sincerely, [Your Name]